How To Create TMDB API KEY To Fix Elysium Not Working

What's TMDb API Key ?
TMDB (The Movie Database) is a huge database for Movies and Tv Shows information at this time. And there are many Popular Kodi Add-ons (such as Elysium, Neptune rising, etc..) are using this database to show for you tons informations such as titles, posters, plot of movies/tvshows that you want enjoy...Via TMDb API Key, the addons will access to this database and pull in information to show it for you...

One TBDb API Key only allows you to access it's database with a certain quota. If this quota is exceeded, it will be blocked access. A new addon, with few users, seems to work perfectly. But when it becomes popular, many people use it for a while and continually send requests to their server. Quota will soon be exhausted and the TMDB API Key will down. Addon will not working...


In this tutorial, I will use Elysium Addon (a popular addon for movies, tv show) as an example to answer the questions:
  • Why Elysium Addon not working and how to fix
  • How To create a new TMDB API Key
  • How To Add TMDB API Key on Elysium addon, make it working again...

1. Elysium Addon not working, Why and How to fix it.
Your Elysium Addon not working because at this time, it be a popular addon that have millions people around the world are using , by default this addon have only one TBDb API Key for all user and this api key was blocked by TMDB service. To make Elysium addon working again, you must have your own TBDb API Key

2. How to create your own TBDB API Key.

...1. Visit to tmdb website at address:

...2. Sign Up a free account & go to your mail to confirm
...3. Login in site with your account, then click on Profile Icon and select Settings as this pic

...4. From Settings list in the left, click on API

...5. Then click on Create as this pic

...6. Then select Developer as this pic
...7. An Approve Terms of Use page open, scroll down then click Accept
...8. A Request an API Key open, type some information in there such as Name, Address, Phone number, Zipcode etc...All information will be private for you but you can use an infor fake to type in there...

...9. After type all infor in there, scroll down then click on Accept buttom to confirm
...10. All is done. You was created a your own api key, from now you can use this api key to fix the problem Elysium addon not working
- Your own TMDb API Key such as: cb92ec3e696b3a18629b443beb91d2e1
- Account TMDb: is your account when sign up
- Password TBDb: is your password when sign up

3. How to add TBDb API Key on Elysium to make it working again.

...1. Open Kodi, open Elysium addon, then select Tools
...2. Continue select SETTINGS: Accounts
...3. Click Accounts in in left, then continue click on the line api key. Copy and paste your own TBDb API Key that you was created in there and click OK to confirm. Now, Elysium addon is working again...and better ever

So, we have been finished all steps that help you know about tmdb api key, how to create it and how to use it to fix problem elysium kodi addon not working...With other Kodi Add-ons, all steps is same.

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