How To Install Elementum Burst On Kodi

How to install Elementum Burst on kodi. 
Usually, when you install Elementum addon on kodi, Burst plugin will automatically installed. For some reasons, this installation process might fail. Our guide today will show you How to install Elementum Burst on Kodi using its own repository.

What's Elementum Burst? - To play contents on Elementum, this addon required install a plugin which called Burst. Elementum Burst will responsible for searching torrents links on several popular websites and Elementum addon will using these links to show and played for you.

Install Elementum Burst From Repository
When you installed Elementum addon on kodi, The Elementum Repository will automatically installed.

1. From Home Kodi Screen, Click Add-ons

2. Continue click on Add-on Browser  (box-icon in top left bar)

3. Then select Install from repository

4. And continue select Elementum Repository ( if this repo not listed from there, you must enabled it, let scroll down to bottom to know how to do it )

5. Now, click on Program add-ons

6. You'll see Elementum Burst will available in there. Click on it

7. Click Install button. Wait few seconds for kodi download and install this plugin.

8. Go back to the Home Screen, make sure the Add-ons tab is highlighted, you’ll see a shortcut to Elementum Burst.

Done. Burst have installed success on your kodi & you are ready to use Elementum addon right now.
Check out the Elementum addon's settings to enable more providers, setup preferred video quality of the results. When you using a VPN to stream contents from this addon, remember Enable Cloudhole to bypass Cloudflare captcha.

Read more:
• How to use Trakt with Elementum
• Library integration for Elementum kodi addon

How To Enable Elementum Repository

1. From home kodi screen, click the line Add-ons

2. Select My add-ons tab, then click on Add-on repository

3. Click on Elementum Repository to enabling this repo

4. Now, press Enable button to activate the repository.

Now, Elementum Repository have enabled to uses. You can install Elementum burst from this repo.

Check out:
Guide install Elementum addon
Elementum official website

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