How To Fix Youtube Quota Limit Exceeded Error On Kodi (with Your Own Google Youtube API Key)

In this tutorial, we will show you How to creates a Personal Youtube API key for yourself (step by step guide). And simple process to fix the issue "Youtube not working, daily limit exceeded, the quota will be reset at midnight at pacific time" by uses Your own Youtube API Key.

In recent days, we has received a lot of questions from Kodi users about the problem "I can not watch anything on Youtube, there is an error message saying that Youtube Quota Limit Exceeded. And How can i fix this error"

Before starting to repair this error, I will talking a little information about kodi youtube addon and how it works. Why do you see this error while using kodi to stream the favorite programs.

What's Kodi Youtube Addon, Youtube API Key & How it works?

Kodi Youtube Addon is a the most important add-on working on Kodi. Through youtube addon, you can watch a lot of media/entertainments contents from Youtube host.

Youtube add-on is a standalone application, but many other popular Kodi Add-ons are using this addon as an important dependency plugin to streaming contents such as movies, tv shows, documentaries, music etc...

To make Youtube addon working. It has an application programming interface (Youtube API key), that without it, Youtube addon will not work, can not help you find and watch your favorite programs from Youtube.

Why Do You See Error Kodi Youtube Daily Limit Exceeded, The Quota Will Be Reset At Midnight Pacific Time.
By default, when Youtube addon installed on kodi. It only has 5 or 6 api keys that built in. Each Youtube API-KEY has only a certain bandwidth quota to stream content from the Youtube host to the viewer. And when so many people use the same default youtube api-keys, it quickly expires the bandwidth quota. So you will see error message "Youtube daily limit exceeded, the quota will be reset at midnight at pacific time". So how to fix this problem...

Watch this video & follow all steps to solved this error:

How To Fix Youtube Quota Limit Exceeded Error On Kodi (Screenshots).

To solve this problem. I offer two solutions for you

  • Method 1: Change the default Youtube Api Key number to another number

1...Open Kodi > Add-ons > Video Add-ons > select Youtube addon
If Youtube addon not installed on your kodi. Read here to know how to install Youtube addon

2...Select Settings

3...In Settings - Youtube box, select API

4...Change number in Use preset API key set from 1 to 2 3 4 or 5, click OK to confirm the change
After change youtube api key number, try to watch any movies from Youtube. Woww...this problem has solved. If not, move to method 2.
  • Method 2: Create a personal Youtube API Key for yourself to fix error Youtube quota limit exceeded

By create a personal Youtube API Key for yourself, i'm sure The Error Youtube Quota Daily Limit Exceeded on Kodi will Fixed.

1...Go to
At the top left click Select a Project

 2...A Box open, click on Create project

3...Then type a name such as My Youtube Api Key on Project name

4...It will give your the Project ID below the box. Copy it and paste on Notepad as it is the API ID. Then click Create

5...Go back to the main API page click YouTube Data API

6...Then click on Select Project button

7...Then click on Select button as this pic

8...And click on My Youtube Api Key

9...Continue click on ENABLE button

10...Now, click on Create credentials button

11...From the pull down box What will you be calling the API from? click to select Android

12...Under What data will you be accessing? tick on Public Data , then click What credentials do i need?

13...Your Youtube-API-Key will create in this step. It's available in Here is your API Key. This key will be used to fix the problem "Youtube quota daily limit exceeded". Now click Done button to confirm create this key

14...The personal Youtube API Key for yourself has been created. Copy this Key and paste on Notepad. This key will be used to fix the problem "Youtube quota daily limit exceeded".

15. Now, Open your Kodi, then open Youtube addon

16...Select Settings

17...Click API

18...Then Enable personal API keys

19...Enter the new personal Youtube API Keys(STEP14) and the API ID(STEP4). The API Key and Secret Key is the same. Click OK to accepted

All is Done. The problem "Kodi Youtube quota daily limit exceeded" is fixed. You can continue enjoy tons of media/entertainment contents from Youtube host.


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